Partners and Programmes

The African continent faces a multitude of hazards and risks, some of which are unique to a certain country, others shared across a whole region. In order to resolve the disaster risk related issues which challenge development within the continent, it is vital to attain locally derived research and knowledge in order to understand these obstacles and threats and mitigate their impacts. A key strength of Periperi is the diversity of university partners that make up the consortium. Each country in Africa faces its own unique blend of disaster risk related challenges. Hence each partner focuses upon undertaking research and action in order to address the issues and challenges found in their own country or region. From 2008-2014, the partnership continued to purposefully grow to include eleven universities in a continent-wide consortium focusing on disaster risk-related education, training and community outreach, research and strategic engagement.

Please see this full list of short courses and academic programmes across the partnership. 


  1. Bahir Dar University – Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  2. Makerere University – Kampala, Uganda
  3. Moi University – Eldoret, Kenya
  4. Ardhi University – Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
  5. Universidade Técnica de Moçambique (UDM) – Maputo, Moçambique
  6. University of Antananarivo, – Antananarivo, Madagascar
  7. Stellenbosch University – Stellenbosch, South Africa
  8. Ahmadu Bello University – Zaria, Nigeria
  9. University of Ghana – Accra, Ghana
  10. Gaston Berger University – St. Louis, Senegal
  11. University of Bab Ezzouar / Built Environment Research Laboratory – Algiers, Algeria
  12. University of Buea – Buea, Cameroon
To view the individual partners and to find out more about their ‘missions’, goals’, research, publications’, academic programs’ and short courses’, please click on any the partner-countries on the interactive map

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