Université Joseph KI-ZERBO - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Unit or Programme:
Department of Geography
Climate change adaptation /mitigation research
Unit Director:
Dr Emmanuel Ouedraogo
Contact details:
Professor Benewindé Jean-Bosco Zoungrana
Dr Jérémi Rouamba
+226) 76271220
+226) 64131860
Joseph KI-ZERBO University is the oldest and largest university in Burkina Faso. Founded following the cooperation agreement signed in Paris on April 24, 1961 between Upper Volta and France , Joseph KI-ZERBO University is the translation of the will of the political authorities of the time to reaffirm national sovereignty in higher education. First established as the Ouagadougou Higher Education Center (CESUP) by Ordinance No. 69-024/PRES/ENJS of May 5, 1969  ; it was only from April , 1974 that the University of Ouagadougou (former name ) bore its name by Ordinance No. 74-031/PRES/EN of April 19, 1974 . It has undergone several changes (restructuring, re-establishment, etc.) during its development. For more about this instituion please click here