- Resettlement, household vulnerability, livelihood adaptation and opportunities in Ethiopia: A case study of the Metema Resettlement Area.
- Bahry, Mihret - Bahir Dar University
- Drought vulnerability and public response in Gidan Wereda of north Wollo zone.
- Agezew Hida - Bahir Dar University
- Investigating factors that predict community vulnerability to urban fire: the case of Bahir-Dar City.
- Gashawtena Belay Gebeyaw - Bahir Dar University
- People’s vulnareblity dimesnions to disater risk: The case of flooding in Adama District, East Shawa Zone, Oromia Region.
- Gemechis Gudina - Bahir Dar University
- Vulnerability of female-headed households in achieving household food security in Amhara Region: The case of Libokemkem Woreda.
- Getenet Ewunetu Tegegne - Bahir Dar University
- Flood risk perception in the low-lying kebeles of libokemkem district, south gondar zone: implications for hazard management.
- Getenew Zewdu - Bahir Dar University
- The impact of awarded model farmers on other farmers in achieving household resilience in Dera and Ebinat Districts, Amhar Region, Ethiopia.
- Melkie Tadesse Jenberie - Bahir Dar University
- Spatio-temporal nexus among changes in localized vegetation cover, drought and temperature: The case of Northern Ethiopia.
- Mulugeta Worku Ayele - Bahir Dar University
- Ethnic conflicts and their impacts on livelihood system: Focus on frequent ethnic conflicts occurring in the border areas of Amhara and Afar regions.
- Techan Tefera - Bahir Dar University
- The risk of flooding and peoples’ perception of flood risk in the Kabana river bank, Addis Ababa.
- Tewodros Zelalem - Bahir Dar University
- Impacts of deforestation on coffee based livelihoods: Cases of Zegie Peninsula, Ethiopia.
- Worku Kebede Aynalem - Bahir Dar University
- The impact of promoting cooperative-modeled small-scale enterprises on urban livelihoods outcomes: a focus on integrated housing development program in Bahir Dar City.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of productive safety net program in assuring food security in amhara region: the case of Wara Illu and Jama Woredas of South Wollo zone.
- Yirgalem Mohammed - Bahir Dar University