Call for pre-proposals: Pathways towards Sustainable African Urban Development
Call for pre-proposals: Pathways towards Sustainable African Urban Development
Deadline: 14 May 2018 (18:00 CET)
Submission via http://bit.ly/2GWhl6N
ICSU in partnership with NASAC and the ISSC has opened a call for African early career scientists to submit pre-proposals from to identify collaborative research projects across Africa that explore integrated approaches for sustainable urban development in Africa.
Examples for research may include the following themes;
- Explore integrated approaches of managing resources and material flows within cities, for instance through approaches like urban metabolism, infrastructure ecology, infrastructural symbiosis, the system dynamics, etc.;
- Explore how ecosystems can support sustainable human and natural processes in cities and how to maximize ecosystems abilities to do so;
- Synergize engineered and ecological systems within cities to enhance the ecological services and increase the resilience of the urban infrastructure systems
- Explore approaches of integrating risk management in urban development;
- Analyse the relationships between infrastructure provision, inequality and resilience;
- Examine how cities can stimulate shifting to a green growth and greener methods of production;
- Improve availability, the coverage, quality, resolution and reliability of urban data, especially data on informal settlements;
- Examine how integrated city-level data can improve urban management, planning, and governance and increase the efficiency of urban systems;
- Analyse how the built environment, urban management, and urban identity interface with the experiences of, or responses to poverty;
- Examine how decentralization of urban infrastructure system can improve access to services (water supply and sanitation, waste management, energy supply, etc) and increase resilience.
35 pre-proposals will be selected to attend a training event on inter- and trans-disciplinary research, which will take place on 3-7 September 2018 (place tbc). Participants of the training will then be given about two and half months to submit full proposals. In February 2019 up to eleven collaborative research projects across Africa will be funded to the value of up to 90,000 Euro each over two years.
For more information about how to apprly for this proposal call please follow this link: