Call for paper on the special issue: Reviewing Five Year Progress of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2020)

Call for paper on the special issue: Reviewing Five Year Progress of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2020)


In 2020, the SFDRR will achieve its first five year milestone. This call for paper aims to review the five year progress of the SFDRR implementation, from the global, regional and local level. It asks the question of How has the SFDRR been mainstreamed and implemented, at different levels by different organisations, and what are the important  lessons to guide its implementation in the 10 year?


Key topics:

Below are the list of possible topics that we are particularly sought for, including but not limited to:.


  • Progress of SFDRR implementation at the global, regional and national level
  • Review of progress in achieving the Sendai 7 Goals or 4 Priorities
  • Progress in mainstreaming of disasters into key development sectors (e.g. health, gender, education, etc)
  • The role of UNDRR, or key agencies responsible for DRR at the regional or national level
  • Progress in localising the SFDRR
  • The role of non-government organisations in implementing the SFDRR
  • Coherence between SDGs and SFDRR and/or Paris Agreement
  • Consideration of leaving no-one behind in DRR, e.g. inclusion of people with disability, vulnerable groups, displaced persons, those under humanitarian emergencies
  • Progress in science and technology on DRR post 2015
  • How tools and mechanisms from SFDRR is beneficial and used in responding to COVID-19. As this call for paper is issued, the world is experiencing the impacts of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
  • The SFDRR strongly recognises health issues and hence reviewing how COVID-19 influences country and society is also considered.


Submission Method

Submitted papers must be unpublished and not currently under review by other journals. All papers should be submitted via the PDISA submission system. While submitting a paper to the special issue, please choose the article type “SFDRR Five Year Special Issue” otherwise your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript.


All submissions will go through the journal’s standard peer-review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, scientific merit and relevance to the theme of the Special Issue.


For author guidelines, please visit the website of the journal at



•             Call for paper : 18 May 2020

•             Submission of Abstract : 1 July 2020

•             Notification of abstract acceptance : 10 July 2020

•             Submission of full paper : 1 September 2020

•             Review results returned : 1 October 2020

•             Submission of revised paper : 1 November 2020

•             Notification of acceptance : 15 November 2020

•             Publication in the journal : 1 December 2020


Open access and Article Processing Charge (APC)

All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute. As an open access journal with no subscription charges, a fee is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. Please refer to the journal webpage for the details.