6th ANIE Annual Conference: From the MDGs to SDGs: The contributions of international higher education.
The 6th ANIE Annual Conference will be held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 7th to 9th October 2015. ANIE will host the conference in collaboration with the Open University of Tanzania (OUT). The theme of the conference is, “Moving from the MDGs to SDGs: The Contributions of International higher Education. The background and rationale behind the theme is based on the fact that the attainment of the MDGs was to lead to the development of a shared future based on a common humanity and its diversity. What did international higher education contribute towards the MDGs?
As debates are ongoing on the post 2015 developments, especially on the 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), what will be the role of higher education especially its international dimension? The mobilization of both internal and external resources to revitalize African universities to enable them address these challenges is an important agenda. The recently concluded Africa Higher Education summit recognized this and identified the critical issues for the future of higher education in Africa. The international dimension of higher education, especially research partnerships and mobility attained lots of emphasis.
The 6th ANIE Annual Conference brings together higher education leaders, opinion shapers, researcher sand practitioners to debate on these salient and timely topics. It will discuss the impacts of partnerships on research and innovations, mobility, access, management and governance practices, capacity building and knowledge sharing and their relations to the MDGs and to their role in the debates and formulations of the new SDGs. The sub-themes of the conference include: university partnerships for research and societal development; curriculum innovations in African Universities to address the MDGs; role of African universities and gender equality and women empowerment; and, global partnerships for local impacts.
We invite abstracts of not more than 200 words and related to the main theme and the subthemes outlined above. They should be sent to sec@anienetwork.org on or before 30th June 2015. Authors of successful abstracts will be informed by 30th May 2015. For more information visit: www.conference.anienetwork.org.