APELL Training of Trainers in Addis Ababa-Ethiopia
The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), jointly with Africa Centre for Disaster Risk Management (ACDRM), is organizing a Training of Trainers Regional Workshop on Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level (APELL), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in March 2016. APELL (Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level) is a methodology that provides guidance to local industry, authorities and population for a multi-stakeholder preparedness effort. Strengthened awareness of technological hazards and environmental emergencies present in a community can greatly improve a community’s ability to cope with eventual accidents and emergencies. The second edition of the APELL Handbook offers guidance to community leaders and members, industry and local authorities that wish to improve a community’s level of hazard awareness and emergency preparedness. The APELL process includes the following elements: involving emergency preparedness participants, identifying and understanding risks, improving awareness and developing preparedness plans. The specific objectives of the training will be:
- To provide existing and future APELL practitioners with the tools and knowledge to raise awareness, develop skills to initiate an APELL process at the
- local level, and promote its dissemination nationally and regionally.
- To build a common understanding on APELL.
- To build and strengthen an APELL network to share experiences and lessons learned on APELL implementation
- To present and disseminate the 2nd edition of the APELL Handbook
Participants to the training will become APELL trainers and practitioners and will learn how to initiate the APELL process with different communities and stakeholders within a community.
The event is a self- funded initiative in Addis Ababa Ethiopia in March 2016.
For more information, please contact
Ivy Nyandiko,
Disasters and Conflicts Programme,
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP),
P.O BOX 30552-00100,Nairobi -KENYA
Regional Office for Africa (ROA)
NOF South Wing-Block 2 Ground Floor
E-mail : Ivy.Nyandiko@unep.org
Phone : + 254 20 725633