Call for applications for World social science Fellows seminar on Sustainable Urbanisation
The IRDR have put out the call for applications for World social science Fellows seminar on Sustainable Urbanisation on 9-13 September 2015 in Durban, South Africa.
The international Social Science Council (ISSC) calls for applications from outstanding early career social scientists around the world to become World Social Science Fellows and participate in a World Social Science Seminar on Sustainable Urbanisation: Urban governance to tackle urban poverty and environmental sustainability.
Candidates from across all world regions who are deeply familiar with their own local/regional contexts to address the challenges concerning sustainable urbanisation issues are invited to apply. Their familiarity must take the form of case studies that are not merely descriptive, but rooted in a clearly articulated conceptual framework that contributes to the global debate about sustainable urbanization. It is essential that candidates are interested in developing this knowledge into new, interdisciplinary perspectives at the seminar.
The deadline for submission of fellow applications: 8 June 2015, 00.00 hrs GMT
please visit the following link for more information:​