SADC Hydromet Forum on June 22
Jointly with SADC, World Meteorological Organisation, the European Union and partners, The World Bank organizes the first Hydromet Forum in Southern Africa from 22 to 23 June 2021.
This forum will be held in virtual mode due to the COVID19 pandemic. The link to the virtual conference platform with agenda and program and registration is: www.hydrometforum2021.org
This forum will bring together managers and decision-makers from the climate, hydrology, meteorology, water resources, and disaster reduction as well as technical and financial partners around a single platform. Community sessions will present different voices and ideas from the hydromet and early warning community of practice. The plenary will convene around the status, current challenges and opportunities of hydromet and early warning services for collaboration with private sector, academia and international partners.
The session “Linking academic networks for hydromet, early warning and DRR actions” (June 22, 15.00 - 16.00 GMT+2) will look into the challenges and opportunities of linking existing academic networks to improve capacity (in particular National Meteorological/Hydrological Services) to deliver hydromet services and strengthen early warning systems across the SADC region for greater risk reduction, management and response. It will also look into advancing the WMO Competency Framework.
In particular there is a session on “Linking academic networks for hydromet, early warning and DRR actions” (15.00 - 16.00 Johannesburg time - GMT+2) on Tuesday 22 June 2021 in wich PERIPERI U partners will be participating.
please register through the conference website: www.hydrometforum2021.org. Here you will also find the latest program.