Webinar 2: Using risk information and disaster risk profiles to inform DRR and decision making in Africa, 21 September 2020
On behalf of United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Regional Office for Africa, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale (CIMA) Foundation we are pleased to invite you to the second webinar in the series entitled Using risk information and disaster risk profiles to inform DRR and decision making.
The upcoming webinar focuses on risk information and standard operating procedures (SOP) for early warning in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The webinar will be held on Monday 21st September at 15:00 Nairobi / Addis Ababa | 13:00 Yaoundé / Abuja | 12:00 Abidjan / Dakar |
Duration: 1h 30 min / Interpretation: French-English
For more details please see attached the concept note and the document of the Road Map for Improving the Availability, Access and Use of Disaster Risk Information for Early Warning and Early Action, including in the Context of Transboundary Risk Management.
To register: https://undrr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4FnEWsD5SJ2Raslf91Mikg
WEBINAR 2, Monday 21 September 2020, 15:00 Nairobi / Addis Ababa
Panelists for this second webinar will reflect on:
- the practices to develop and apply SOPs for early warning at the regional level
- Current practices to develop and apply SOPs at the national level in light of the four components of an early warning system (risk knowledge; monitoring and detection; warning communication and dissemination; preparedness and response)
- Community-based early warning systems – the role of SOP and linkages with institutions at the national level
- The role of the scientific community to produce risk information for the improvement of early warning and SOPs
SADC, Disaster Risk Reduction Unit (TBC)
Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), Malawi
Ministère de l'Hydraulique et de l'Assainissement, Niger
Zimbabwe, Oxfam
Zambezi River Authority, Zambia
ERCC / Aristotle network
CIMA Research Foundation
Programme of the full webinar series |
Webinar 1 â— development of the continental, regional and national road maps: experience sharing and recommendations from regional, national and scientific partners â— use of harmonized risk profiles to support the implementation of the road map: the ‘risk knowledge’ component of EWS for Early Action and transboundary risk management |
Webinar 2 â— implementation of the continental, regional and national road map for EWS and transboundary risk management: development of SOPs â— use of risk profiles and risk information to support the development of SOPs: the value of a common methodology to gather, analyse, redistribute data and risk information
Webinar 3 â— the multiple uses of quantitative risk profiles to support disaster risk reduction, risk-informed investment and trans-boundary risk management |
Webinar 4 â— the methodology of quantitative risk assessment for a sub-national, national and regional level assessment